The 21,000pound bomb, which was brought into service in 08, was dropped from a C130 From the US Forces Afghanistan press release At 732 pm local time today, US Forces – Afghanistan conducted a strike on an ISISK tunnel complex in Achin district, Nangarhar province, Afghanistan, as part of ongoing efforts to defeat ISISK inAnswer (1 of 4) The GBU43 MOAB is actually not all that useful in combat It was only used once in combat in 17 against a cave complex housing ISIS fighters in Afghanistan I would be surprised if it is ever dropped again in combat The MOAB is aThis flag was flown aboard the C130 that dropped the MOAB that killed over 95 ISIS soldiers It's been carried through the Senate, House of Representatives, Vietnam, Washington, Lincoln, WW2, and Korea Memorials, and unfolded at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier

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C 130 moab-C130 Hercules Aircraft Photo courtesy US Air Force Instead of being dropped from a bomber through the bomb bay doors, the MOAB is pushed out of the back of a cargo plane such as a C130Conquer Generals Zero Hour The bomb damage is increased and the delivery

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All groups and messagesThe MOAB is 30 feet long, has a diameter of 40 inches, and due to its size, it is dropped from C130 cargo planes The bomb was used operationally for the first time on 13 April 17 in Afghanistan Upon opening this kit, which is part of the Eduard Brassin line, you will find 18 gray resin parts for the bomb itself, pallet side rails, and oneAir Force Veteran 4 years ago Well, 1 ICBM can have multiple warheads Just going off the 180,000 lbs, you can still fit 2 Minuteman III on a C5 carrying 3 warheads each Plus you have the advantage of being intercontinental If we're just carpet bombing warheads, we could probably load enough to level half the country on one C5 8 level 1
A C130 aircraft in Afghanistan for the first time on Thursday The MOAB had never been used in combat until now It was brought into service in 08 The MOAB weighs 21,000 pounds, including 18,000 pounds of explosives It is the largest nonnuclear weapon in the US Arsenal The MOAB is considered similar to a small nuclear weaponGBU43/B Massive Ordnance Air Blast (MOAB, tiež známa ako Mother Of All Bombs matka všetkých bômb) je veľkáThen, look at how much larger a MOAB is, and report back to us on your findings If you want precision, go with a GBU, a JDAM, or an AGM130 If you want A) a flighline taken out in one shot, B) to take out a mass of enemy troops, or even C) a very effective PsyOps weapon, use a MOAB
The 21,000 pound bomb was dropped from a C130 Hercules aircraft at the Eglin test range According to the DoD the MOAB is the largestThe GBU43B MOAB is deployed from a specially adapted MC130 Combat Talon II using a system of rollers and a deployment sled The bomb is attached to the deployment sled then pulled from the rearZa najsilnejšiu nenukleárnu zbraň vôbec Bomba bola navrhnutá

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Concept about MOAB The concept behind the MOAB was first developed in the Vietnam War through the BLUB/C130 weapon system, nicknamed the "Daisy Cutter" That weighed 15,000 pounds and, with a huge blast radius, was used to clear junglesThe GBU43/B Massive Ordnance Air Blast (MOAB pronounced / ˈ m oʊ æInstead of being dropped from a bomber, the MOAB is typically pushed out of the back of a cargo plane such as a C130 The bomb rides on a pallet

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The US hit some ISIS tunnels and caves with a 30 foot long bomb that weighs over 21,000 pounds that was dropped from a C130The Massive Ordnance Air Burst weapon often called "MOAB" orThe bomb is designed to be delivered by a C130 Hercules, primarily the MC130E Combat Talon I or MC130H Combat Talon II variants The MOAB was firstThe BLUB/C130 weapon system, known under program Commando Vault and nicknamed Daisy Cutter in Vietnam for its ability to flatten a section of forest into a helicopter landing zone, is an American 15,000pound (6,800 kg) conventional bomb, delivered from either a C130 or MC130 transport aircraft or a CH54 heavylift SkyCrane helicopter from the 1st Air Cavalry

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The MOAB had to be dropped out of the back of a US Air Force C130 cargo plane due to its massive size We kicked it out the back door, one US official told Fox NewsLike the BLU, the MOAB rests in a cradle on an airdrop platform inside a C130 aircraft Due to the size of the ordnance, the item is extracted from either an MC130 Talon II or Slick C130It has a 40inch diameter and is 30 feet long The bomb is often used by the MC130, a special operations variant of the C130 Hercules A GBU43/B Massive Ordnance Air Blast weapon on display outside the Air Force Armament Museum, Eglin Air Force Base, Florida (Photo from Wikimedia Commons)

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None The GBU43/B MOAB Wikipedia can only be carried by transport aircraft like the MC130 For use of a similar weapon on a B2, you would have to go to the Massive Ordnance Penetrator Wikipedia or GBU57 Of which the B2 can carry two 52K viewsThe US dropped the largest nonnuclear bomb, nicknamed the "mother of all bombs," against ISIS in Afghanistan This is footage of the US Air Force carryiThe US military has just dropped a big bomb in Afghanistan The GBU43/B Massive Ordnance Air Blast, also called the "mother of all bombs" or MOAB for short, is

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Massive Ordnance Air Blast, United States Air ForceFilm of test drop from C130 Hercules, 03Read more at http//ontherogerproboardscomVid by US DoD,Bible tells that Moab was the son of Lot who was nephew of Abraham After God destroyed the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah by brimstone and fire, God changed Lot's wife into a pillar of salt After that Lot impregnated his two daughters after drinkiThe MOAB is so massive it had to be dropped out of the back of a US Air Force C130 cargo plane "We kicked it out the back door," one US official told Fox News

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Ku zhodeniu z transportného lietadla C130It is designed to be launched from a C130 aircraft, the MOAB is strapped to a specially designed cradle Upon extraction from the aircraft the cradle is separated from the MOAB The MOAB then proceeds to the target The MOAB was developed, tested, and fielded by the Air Force Research Laboratory Munitions Directorate, Air Armament Center, theThe MOAB is a precisionguided munition weighing 21,500 pounds and will be dropped from a C130 Hercules aircraft for the test It will be the largest nonnuclear conventional weapon in existence The MOAB is an Air Force Research Laboratory technology project that began in fiscal year 02 and is to be completed this year

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The Massive Ordnance Air Burst bomb (abbreviated MOAB, or colloquially known as the The Mother Of All Bombs) was a type of USA Aerial bomb in service during the GLA War MOABs were delivered by Bombers The MOAB is an upgrade to the Fuel Air Bomb General's Power in Command &The Lockheed C130 Hercules is an American fourengine turboprop military transport aircraft designed and built originally by Lockheed (now Lockheed Martin)Capable of using unprepared runways for takeoffs and landings, the C130 was originally designed as a troop, medevac, and cargo transport aircraftThe versatile airframe has found uses in a variety of other roles, includingThe 21,000 pound bomb was dropped from a C130 Hercules aircraft at the Eglin test range According to the DoD the MOAB is the largest nonnuclear conventional weapon in existence

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The United States Department of Defense releases footage of the GBU43/B Massive Ordnance Air Blast bomb (MOAB, Mother OF ALL Bombs) striking an ISISK caveMC130 Talon II or Slick C130 Hercules by way of a parachute The bomb then accelerates rapidly to its terminal velocity It was the final test of the new Massive Ordnance Air Blast, or MOAB,Gigabyte Z390 Aorus Ultra, ik (49ghz all cores), NHD15 cooler, 64 GB CL14 30mhz RAM, RTX3090FE, Soundblaster Z, Yamaha 51 A/V Receiver, 2x 512GB Samsung NVMe, 1x 1TB Samsung NVMe, 2TB Samsung SSD, Win 10 Pro, TM Warthog, Virpil WarBRD, MFG Crosswinds, 43 Samsung 4K TV, 215 Acer VT touchscreen, TrackIR, JetSeat KW908, Reverb

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B /, commonly known as the Mother of All Bombs) is a largeyield conventional (nonnuclear) bomb, The bomb was designed to be delivered by a C130 Hercules, primarily the MC130E Combat Talon I or MC130H Combat Talon II variantsDownload https//forumseagleru/topic/2575dcssuperherculesmodbyanubis/SPONSORSWinwing https//wwwwwsimstorecom/STOREWinwing USA https//fox2wwAnswer (1 of 2) Pakistan Air Force used the C130 to carry out bombings against Indian targets in 1965 PAF's 6 Sqn flew almost night time sorties to deliver ordnance over Indian targets by simply loading up the bombs on pallets In the 1965 Indo

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Pre letectvo Spojených štátov Albertom L Weimortsom juniorom V čase vývoja bola považovanáThe 30footlong bomb weighs 21,000 pounds — 18,700 pounds of which is the warhead — and was dropped from a C130 aircraft a little after 7The MOAB is a precisionguided munition weighing 21,500 pounds and will be dropped from a C130 Hercules aircraft for the test It will be the largest nonnuclear conventional weapon in

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Download https//forumseagleru/topic/2575dcssuperherculesmodbyanubis/SPONSORSWinwing https//wwwwwsimstorecom/STOREWinwing USA https//fox2wwAnswer (1 of 3) None The GBU43/B MOAB Wikipedia can only be carried by transport aircraft like the MC130 For use of a similar weapon on a B2, you would have to go to the Massive Ordnance Penetrator Wikipedia or GBU57 Of which the B2 can carry two, 1149 PM Kabul (AFP) The United States has dropped a GBU43/B Massive Ordnance Air Blast (MOAB) bomb, otherwise known as the 'Mother of All Bombs', on an Islamic State stronghold in Afghanistan's eastern Nangarhar province It is the first time the bomb, developed in the early days of the Iraq war, has been used in combat

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Answer (1 of 4) The bomb is designed to be delivered by a C130 Hercules, primarily the MC130E Combat Talon I or MC130H Combat Talon II variants GBU43s are delivered from C130 cargo aircraft, inside which they are carried on cradles resting on airdrop platforms The bombs are dropped by dep

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